
A nervous system for the atmosphere. Menapia's weather drones provide in-situ atmospheric data that will revolutionise weather & climate forecasting.

Global weather related socioeconomic losses now exceed $1B per day and are on the rise. To combat this we need better forecasting to enable mitigation and management. In-situ atmospheric data is essential for forecasting but our existing observation systems (weather balloons and manned aircraft) are unable to scale to meet the data demands of our forecast models, due to their high marginal cost.

Menapia's MetSprite weather drone is a highly automated, re-usable observation platform that enables access to the troposphere at 30x lower marginal cost than existing systems. MetSprite has built in sensors for temperature, humidity and 3D winds, and is built to accommodate additional sensors for gas, aerosol and particulate matter. Menapia works with leading sensor developers to add new sensors into the "Made for MetSprite" programme.

MetSprite is available at network scale via a holistic Robot-as-a-Service model, allowing forecasters and researchers to focus on their data.