Space Solar will lead the development of Space Based Solar Power (SBSP), delivering a first space power station in six years, commercial power in nine years and a first GW system in 12 years.
Decarbonising energy generation and enhancing energy security are urgent global priorities. SBSP has long been considered technically viable, and independent studies confirm it is now economically competitive.
Space Solar’s Solar Power satellites harness the inexhaustible energy of the sun, converting it to microwaves and beaming the energy to Earth, day and night and in all weather. It offers safe, scalable, baseload and dispatchable power, secure sovereign control, low environmental footprint and export potential, at one third of the cost of nuclear.
On the journey to clean baseload energy, we are driving innovation in wireless power transmission and in-space robotics, and opening a new economic frontier in space with many benefits for a sustainable future.
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