Tokamak Energy

Clean, secure, affordable fusion energy for all

What if there was a limitless, safe, clean, low-cost energy source, providing much needed global energy security? What if that energy source could also help reduce climate change? We believe that is fusion energy. Tokamak Energy is a leading global commercial fusion energy company based near Oxford, UK. We have an unrivalled track record designing and operating spherical tokamaks - the optimal route to commercial fusion energy.

In addition to fusion energy, Tokamak Energy is recognised as the world leader in High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) magnet design, numerical modelling, and prototyping. Our dedicated HTS magnet team, in collaboration with key manufacturing partners, is focussed on becoming the leading supplier of HTS magnets to multiple markets.

The company, founded in 2009 as a spin-off from the UK Atomic Energy Authority, combines world leading scientific, engineering, industrial and commercial capabilities.