Atlantic Productions

The world's leading factual storytellers redefining Film, TV, Immersive Media and Visual Effects

Atlantic Productions, founded in 1992, is a multi-award winning independent factual production company and pioneer in immersive storytelling.

Atlantic’s award-winning television, theatrical films and immersive experiences have been seen in over 150 countries. Their work has covered 13 projects with David Attenborough, the acclaimed BBC series 'Inside the Commons', landmark series ‘The Promised Land’.

Atlantic was described by WIRED magazine as being “behind some of the most exciting advancements in VR, AR and AI storytelling”. Atlantic is one of the fastest growing immersive companies covering education, health, and entertainment. In January 2024, Apple announced that Atlantic is one of the leading content partners on the Apple Vision Pro. An Atlantic film with Apple Immersive video, ‘Adventure – Highlining’, was included in the launch of the headset.

Atlantic is respected for its unparalleled access and world-class storytelling. Now, they lead the way in the new era of immersive storytelling.